With rising living costs now, more than ever, more of us are desperately looking to save money on our household costs.
We’re reaching out with a message from Cooperation Town to find tenants and residents associations who would like support starting a food co-op. Food co-ops are run by local neighbours who help each other save a third on their food shopping.
If your group is interested in hosting a community session, run by Cooperation Town to bring neighbours together to start a food co-op message Shaunna, from Cooperation Town, shaunna@cooperation.town or 07918633371.
This is a good way to bring neighbours into other work your group is doing. Food co-ops (or ‘local buying groups’ help residents become active organisers on their streets and estates. Many food co-ops go on to support each other with other basic needs such as childcare and housing.
Message Shaunna to find out how to start a food co-op and receive support.
The project is supported by Pecan and Southwark Council.
Website: www.cooperation.town