New Homes Network

Deputation to Cabinet on 7th Dec.21

On Tuesday 7th December 2021, myself, our Chair Cris Claridge and Angharad Davies, Chair of Clifton Estate TRA, all took part in a deputation to Southwark Council’s Cabinet. Originally, we were planning on taking our Deputation to Council Assembly on 24th November, but the Council refused to hear us.

Cabinet was an opportunity for us to raise our members’ concerns around Southwark Council’s approach to new housing developments on the greenspaces and rooftops of existing estates. We were concerned that Southwark Council were not adequately consulting residents on these developments. We called on Southwark Council to demonstrate that TRAs and residents are involved in every stage of the consultation process for new homes on existing estates, and that the Council are fully accountable and transparent when addressing resident concerns.

In addition to our speech (delivered by Cris), we also shared our Consultation Charter with all councillors, prior to Cabinet. This Charter was developed by residents on our New Homes Network. You can find the Charter and our speech here on our website.

The Cabinet meeting is available to watch on YouTube – please see the link below. The full meeting was almost 2 and a half hours long, but our deputation speaks between 5:15 and 27:45 on the video: